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Christian Universe Needs Your Help! Updated November 05, 2008 Christian Universe is dedicated to promoting the gospel of Christ, touching the hearts of those who are searching for the truth, and encouraging a study of the Bible as the written word of God. Please support me in this effort. Bernie Parsons |
A Plea for Your Financial Support By Bernie Parsons - Updated May 19, 2013 Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest. Luke 10:2 KJV Hello, Family & Friends, Christian Universe still needs your support. Here is a list of the support for this site that I have received from the inception of this experiment until now. It costs roughly $200 per year to maintain this site. I do the labor out of love for the Lord, and for my fellow man, at no charge. Except for the three gifts mentioned above, I have funded this site from my own resources. As long as God gives me the ability, I plan to keep the site up and running. I am on disability payments, and most of my money goes for medications, and doctor and hospital bills. My good, Christian wife works hard to help put food on the table, and to pay the utility bills. She has her share of medical problems and on-going related bills. She has no health insurance. If there is any compassion in your heart, and you can afford it, please help support this ministry. God bless you! I really can use the help of my brothers and sisters in Christ to maintain this Web site. If you wish to support this ministry, please donate. Even if it is $1, or $5, it will help. You may send a check or money order. Please make it out to me personally, as Christian Universe is not a business entity and cannot cash checks or money orders, but in the memo area, mark it as a donation to Christian Universe, and mail to me at: Bernie Parsons You can also donate securely using your credit card or PayPal funds, either one,
by sending a PayPal payment to
In the comments section, write that it is a donation to Christian Universe.
(If you desire a copy of Christian Universe on CD, let me know and I will
send you one at no charge.) My original plea for help is found below: August 9, 2005 I knew this day was coming, but had hoped that it would be delayed for many more years. My former employer, and good friend, Keith E. Pennington, is closing down his Internet service, and along with it, my free Web space that he so kindly and graciously supplied. I had my career in purchasing and inventory control for 27 years. By the grace of God, in 1998, Keith hired me as Office Manager at Dragg Net, his fledgling Internet service. After his technical staff moved on to other things, I was also charged with much of the day-to-day technical maintenance. I quickly learned a little HTML, and launched my first Web site--a free site, situated on GeoCities. However, it soon became so popular that GeoCities began shutting it down for periods of time. They said that my visitors were using too much bandwidth. Keith told me that I could use free space on Dragg Net's Web servers as long as I worked there. I quickly set up the Christian Universe site on Dragg Net with the help of the Web authoring software package called Microsoft FrontPage. It proved to be even more visited than the site on GeoCities, which, incidentally, is still there, but is not up-to-date. In fact, I have requested that folks who visit that site switch to the other one. Somebody else took the domain name www.christianuniverse.com (and .org, and .net), and held it for three years without ever using it. Network Solutions, with whom it was registered, held it for another year after it expired. Finally, I was able to buy that domain name, and use it for my Web site on Dragg Net. While working for Dragg Net, I expanded the Christian Universe site more and more. Based upon the number of visits to the home page (14, 258 as of this writing) and the number of e-mails that I have received (mostly from Calvinists objecting to Baptism, but also from people in denominationalism who are struggling to find the truth, as well as from members of the churches of Christ), I know that this is a far-flung and effective ministry. I was informed on August 8, 2005, that Dragg Net is closing, and I would lose my Web sites if I didn't move them. (I had three, but have incorporated parts of two of them into Christian Universe.) I charged one year of Web hosting service with Network Solutions on my charge card on August 9, 2005. It costs about $120 a year for a basic Web site with them, plus it costs about $35 per year to renew my domain registration with them. There are a few other incidental charges connected with maintaining a Web site. It takes about $200 per year to maintain it correctly. As of October, 2004, I am on disability payments, and have a lot of medical and pharmaceutical bills. I really can use the help of my brothers and sisters in Christ to maintain this Web site. If you wish to support this important ministry, please let me know. Even if it is $1, or $5, it will help. You may send a check or money order (please mark it as a donation to Christian Universe) to me at: Bernie Parsons You can also donate using your credit card or PayPal funds, either one,
by sending a PayPal payment to
In the comments section, write that it is a donation to Christian Universe. If you wish me to display your name on a special supporters page, I will do so. If not, I will list your donation as anonymous. Let me know how you want it listed. I have many other projects in mind for sending materials to folks who request it. I now offer the entire contents from the Christian Universe Web site on CD. If you want one, please let me know. A donation would be appreciated, but is not mandatory. I will make you a CD and mail it to you regardless of your ability to pay. For the past seven years, this site has been a one-man labor of love for the Lord, and His wonderful word. I am now asking for others to join me in my efforts. God bless you! God bless all! Love, in Christ, Bernie Parsons